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Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide Volume 46
Free PDF Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide Volume 46
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Product details
Series: Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide
Paperback: 1200 pages
Publisher: Gemstone Publishing; 46 edition (August 2, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1603601910
ISBN-13: 978-1603601917
Product Dimensions:
6.4 x 1.8 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
353 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#502,293 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I used to buy this book every year, and the anticipation I felt was akin to when I was a kid and looking forward to the new season of Saturday morning cartoons. Years ago, I had given my old editions to thrift shops, as I drifted away from comic fandom. And whenever I wanted to find a value of a book, I'd just do an online search - it seemed so much easier and convenient - after all, it seemed the price guide kept getting heavier and the font size smaller. But now I wish I had kept those earlier editions. I had forgotten what I had been missing.Not only is it more convenient to just flip through pages, but I can easily view key issue notations and individual issue values for each title at a glance. But the Overstreet Price Guide is much more than that. It has articles about comic book history, not just for collecting and valuation, but also the cultural aspects of the books. It is really a connection between the individual collector and the hobby at large.Recently, especially with all the movies based on comic books, I've slowly been "returning to the fold." Buying this edition, at least for the moment, has accelerated this interest. I don't know, and actually doubt I'll reach the same level of interest in comics I had years ago, but the Overstreet Guide has certainly brought back memories and is doing its part, along with fandom related tv shows, and local conventions to re-acquaint me with the hobby.
The definitive resource and price guide reference for the entire comic book collecting industry. Every dealer on the planet has one, and uses it as a benchmark for pricing. And even when they sell books at a different price, they always do so in reference to The Guide price (i.e. "Above Guide, " or "Below Guide.").The values in this book are not guesstimates. They are based upon a wide survey of North American comic book dealers and collectors. At the very least this book tells you which books are more in demand and which are not.The only criticism I have is that 3rd party graded books definitely command a price premium in the market over so-called "raw" books. The Guide should make an effort to reflect this somehow in their valuation system. Either designate that the prices are for certified grades, or raw, books.I also believe that eBay sales of standard books should also form the guide pricing. It does account for auction sale prices, but mostly of key books.Additionally, the people who buy the hard copy should also be given access to a digital copy.Otherwise, this is the best Comic Book collecting reference you can own. Highly recommended.
Ah, the Overstreet price guide. Good gosh how long have I been purchasing this tome...Well, actually, it's been a few years, but before then it was every year since it first came out (yeah, I'm that old).Beyond the meat and potatoes of the fully-loaded pricing by grade for every comic book known to man (and most unknown as well), the articles and market insights are well worth the time invested.And, as always, a treasure trove of covers to look at, old and new. This book keeps getting better every year.Now, when am I going to pull down all those white boxes and get started revaluing my collection?
Haven't used one of these in twenty years. Excited to re-evaluate my collection and see its current value. Unfortunately the first night of going through this the pages began to fall out of the back sections. Pictures included.
For Bronze age and earlier, Overstreet is pretty dead on. This is the book to rely on for pricing your collection. Also a good tool for shopping on ebay, as sellers tend to inflate prices on back issues featuring characters that are up-and-coming. For example, Thor #132 is the first appearance of Ego, the Living Planet and is worth about $100 in good shape. Since Ego is appearing in the film "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" in early 2017, some sellers are trying to gouge speculators by charging up to twice the value. This book will help you avoid overpaying for back issues. If you're looking for more current book values, i.e. the last 2-3 years, then your best source is an ebay search.
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